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WB GDS Result 2021 Gramin Dak Sevak Merit List PDF


WB GDS Result 2021 Gramin Dak Sevak Merit List PDF download links can be checked here. Get the West Bengal GDS result 2021 updates from here. To get complete information about WB GDS Result 2021 read our article till the end. Because it has been told in our article that apart from when and where the result is being released for this post, you have also been provided complete information about downloading the result. Along with this, we will also give you a piece of clear information about the merit list. Stay connected with our website for more information.

WB GDS Result 2021

This recruitment is being conducted under the West Bengal Postal Circle Department for which a large number of candidates had applied. A total of 2357 vacancies have been released for this post but only eligible candidates will be recruited for this post. For all the candidates who had applied for this post, their examination has been conducted and the result will be released for this post which you can check online.

Online applications were made for the post of Gramin Dak Sevak which started from 20 July 2021 and the last date to apply was fixed as 19 August 2021. After the last date of application, no candidate could apply and only West Bengal candidates could apply for this post. The result for this post will be released in October 2021 but no clear information has been issued by the department regarding the result.

West Bengal GDS Result 2021

Organized by India Post Jobs

Post name Gramin Dak Sevak

Total vacancy 2357

State West Bengal

Application date 20 July – 19 Aug 2021

Result mode Online

Result date GDS Result 2021

WB GDS Result Release Date 2021

The result of this post will be released in October, which you can get online by visiting the official website with your registration number and name. The result is released almost a month after the exam. But whenever it will be issued, you will be given clear information about it about a day or two before so that you can get it in time. The result will be declared completely fair and will be passed to the students only based on their marks.

WB GDS Merit List 2021

No clear information about the merit list has been released yet but it will be released only after a day or two of the result. A merit list will be issued based on results and accordingly, you will be recruited. If your name is given in the merit list then only you can be admitted for this post otherwise you will not be admitted to this post. The cut off marks for this post will also be released soon. By which you can get an idea of ​​how many marks you need to get recruited on this post

Details Printed on your WB GDS Result 2021

You should have complete information about whatever details will be given in your result so that you can check whether all the details are given correctly or not. So read the details given below carefully:

• Candidate name

• Registration number

• Date of birth

• Parents date

• Total marks

• Percentage-wise marks

• The final result, etc.

How to check online WB GDS Result 2021?

To check the result, visit the official website link.

On the home page, you have to search for the result option and select it.

After selecting the next page will open.

In which you have to fill in your registration number and name.

After filling the result will open on your screen.

Save the result and download it in PDF.

Also, take out two print copies of the result for future reference.

If you want to ask anything about WB GDS Result 2021, then feel free to message us in the comment section, to which we will reply to you soon. Bookmark our website to be the first to get all the latest updates.


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