Bitcoin's price is currently $47,325.84 and its dominance is currently 44.08 percent, an increase of 0.20 percent over the day.
Cryptocurrency prices continue to be in the red on August 27. The global cryptocurrency market cap is $2.02 trillion, a 3.31 percent decrease over the last day, while the total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $111.08 billion, which makes a 1.82 percent decrease.
The volume of all stable coins is now $87.88 billion – 79.11 percent of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. Bitcoin's price is currently $47,325.84 and its dominance is currently 44.08 percent, an increase of 0.20 percent over the day.
As of 7.40 am on August 27, these are the prices of the 10 largest cryptocurrencies
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